Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Best Startup Managers for Disabling Items from System Boot

I think everyone has this problem: you turn on your smartphone, it loads and it seems as if it lags for an eternity. This is because some apps will automatically start up when you turn on your smarpthone. Some of these guilty apps are hiding behind this problem: Flickr, FM-RAdio, Google Maps,...Why do they do this? And how can I get this to stop?
Which apps are the best to solve this pesky problem? © AndroidPIT/Startup Manager/blog.blackboard.com
There's no need to get an aggressive ''Task Killer'' that wants to drown out everything that goes ''beep''. Instead, I would like to present a few task/app managers which will help to stop those few pesky apps from starting up automatically. Though this list isn't exhaustive, this will definitely help you solve this problem. 

Startup Auditor

Startup Auditor loads quickly and promptly provides a list of apps that start up automatically. These are presented as a ''linked'' picture. Bold print and green bars show which apps have started automatically as soon as the system boots as well as in the case of some other instances. When an entry is grey with a grey bar, this means that you've already taking a peak at that one. The white box on the left will prevent the automatic start when you turn on your phone. The white box on the right will prevent the automatic start during other instances.
startup auditor
 © Startup Auditor
Simply tap on the desired entry and you'll be brought to a screen similar to the one shown on the right picture. Here you'll be able to procure further information about the selected process and if need be, prevent the respective automatic starts.
By using this app-stopping process, there's no chance of your device suffering any damages. If it happens to work oddly, all you simply need to do is ''undo'' your changes. And since Startup Auditor really doesn't change the system itself (the programs are snatched when tehy starts up and stopped), there's no need to make sure you undo your changes when uninstalling the app at any point in time (this is different than the Autostarts app, for example).
Here is how it works and tries to avoid never-ending cycles:
  1. Incident X arises (for example, Systemstart, receiving an SMS, Memory low...)
  2. The Android system checks what is in the respective launch platform and starts everything that is there.
  3. Startup Auditor makes sure to end all the desire programs right away.
At this point in time, the job is done. Android will no longer open the ''unsuccessful candidates'' which then puts a stop to a possible endless circle. That being said, the next instances will start the whole thing over again.
The only downside to this is the fact that Startup Auditor doesn’t seem to be able to detect all apps which start up automatically. Other than that, this is one of the most effective apps of this genre which offers the best overview and is easiest to operate.
Size after installation: 170 KB
Free version is available
Full version for one US dollar
Bottom Line
Autostarts is too complex for beginners, but if you are someone who is looking for a lot of detail and really wants to have a hand at everything, you're probably in the right place.


Autostarts is one of the most extensive candidates in this category. It takes quite a long time for the app to start up, the launch pad list to be established and filled up. But after waiting for such a long time, you are presented with a whack load of detail.
Like you see in the picture above, you will see all of the used launch platforms in a list. The apps that you use will be listed under the appropriate platform. It does have one disadvantage: there are quite a few different areas to search through. On the other hand, it does offer a lot of detailed information on when the app is allowed to automatically start up and when it isn’t. Autostarts has it all, as far as I can tell. It will also warn you with loud sounds if you happen to touch something that belongs to the system (yellow entry). This is of course logical since stopping the wrong system process could lead to some unpleasant consequences (in the worst case scenario, the system would no longer boot). The danger however doesn’t exist with all of the system processes, especially everything that Autostart considers system processes which can be found in ROM (therefore that had been pre-installed). We all know that not everything which was pre-installed is really of vital importance.
© Autostarts
This app is for those who know the system's ins and out's. The prerequisite for such an app is rooting since nothing will work otherwise as Autostarts really takes a grasp on the system and prohibits the start of apps from the very beginning (basically, it gets rid of the included event handler entry). Therefore, it is vital that all changed are undo prior to uninstalling the app, otherwise the only way out afterward is by retrieving backed-uped files.
Size after installation: 879k
Full version available for 3 US dollars
Bottom Line
Autostarts is too complex for beginners, but if you are someone who is looking for a lot of detail and really wants to have a hand at everything, you're probably in the right place.

Startup Manager (imoblife)

Startup Manager starts off by welcoming you with three small bars. The middle one is fairly clear: here you have the system apps (which means everything that is installed under /system in ROM). But what are these ''user'' and ''customize'' sections?
startup manager
 © Startup Manager
In ''Customize'', there are the non-system apps that have automatically added themselves to the autostart during installation. In the ''User'' section, you'll find apps that you have personally inserted into the Autostart. Startup Manager allows you to personalize which apps should start automatically and which shouldn't, regardless if it has already been added or not.
According to the website, Startup Manager works with or without a root. In this case, I would also advise precaution: if the app is ever uninstalled without having first undone any changes, only a factory reset (found within the settings) or restoring with the respective backups will save the day. Another thing that was left out in the cold was the possibility of a trial version: this solution will cost you 3 US dollars and its full version can be installed from the developers website.
Size after installation: 879k
Full version available for $3.00

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